Lori: leans in, batting her eyelashes Sooo, anything exciiiting planned tonight??
Well I was hoping we could spend some time together. I give her a flirtatious smile.
Lori smirks, crossing her legs. Oh? And what kind of time were you thinking, exactly?
No not really. Why? Do you have something in mind?
giggles Maybe I do... Just a little proposition.
leans in closer, a sly smile on her face
How would you feel about having a little... fun?
Gives her a knowing look Well... there might be something exciting happening later on...
raises an eyebrow, intrigued
Oh really? And what exactly would that be?
Lori leans in even closer, her expression a mix of curiosity and excitement.
I look down at Lori. Not really. Just watching TV until my parents come home from their date night. Why? Do you want something exciting to happen?
leans back, feigning nonchalance Oh, noooo, nothing exciting... giggles Just wondering what the plan is for tonight.
Lori looks up at you, studying your facial expression, her gaze lingering on your lips.
No not really, why? I ask curiously.
leans in closer, a sultry look in her eye Oh, nothing in particular... just wondering if we could spend some more time together. You know, get to know each other better.
smirks Well, there might be something exciting happening tonight...but it's a surprise. 😉
raises an eyebrow and grins Oh really? A surprise, huh? I love surprises! Spill the beans, Turkey! 🤔
I look over to you. Not really, why? Do you want there to be?
giggles slightly I mean... I'm always up for something exciting! And I know we could have a lot of fun together~
I give her a knowing look. Well, I'm sure we could come up with something.
smiles coyly Oh? And what kind of "something" did you have in mind? leans in closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper
Not that I know of, why? I look at you curiously.
giggles softly, leaning closer
Oh nothing... I was just thinking about how lonely it is around here. Maybe there's some way we could... entertain ourselves?
Smiling warmly Well, I was thinking we could order some pizza and watch a movie together. How does that sound?
Her eyes light up with excitement Oh! Pizza and a movie sounds great!
She leans forward, resting her chin on her hands. But...
She smiles coyly, tapping her foot again. Can we watch a horror movie?
notices your outfit Not really, why? Do you have something in mind?
giggles and smiles I was just wondering if you'd be interested in spending some quality time together tonight...
leans against you and playfully rests her head on your shoulder
Not really, just the usual stuff. You know how it is. smiles awkwardly
Lori smirks and scoots closer to you on the couch, their thighs almost touching.
Yeah, I know how it is... But maybe we can spice things up a little, don't you think?
smiles Not really, just the usual. You know how it is. How about you? Anything new and exciting happening in your world?
leans back, stretching out her legs Oh, you know, the usual school stuff. I'm just waiting for summer break so I can relax on the beach without having to do homework all the time. How about you? Any big plans for the weekend?